Corwin and I do a morning game drive in Samburu – not as exciting as the night before – but we are still rewarded with the extraordinary sight of another leopard. As we drive out of the park, Kura and I take David and Corwin past the dead elephant that we had seen...
The campsite run by the Isgargaro Women’s group in Loglogo used to be my favorite place to stay during my visits to the area. Over the years, however, the accommodations in other locations have greatly improved, while Isgargaro’s huts and buildings have slowly been...
A day of rest was all we needed. I felt better and Kura was ready to move. It is hard for people who have left villages like Korr to then return home. The cultural expectation to provide support and money to others is overwhelming. At each village we visit, it does...
Our time in Loiyangalani includes a few trips to swim in Lake Turkana, about a mile west of town. Brushing aside thoughts of crocodiles, we douse our sun-scorched bodies in the cool water. On our final night, Turkana dancers meet us on the shoreline as the sun sets....
At 6 am, our group leaves in two vehicles. I am driving Gumps with Semej and Omar, Kit, Chip and Corwin. Kura has David, Maina and a dozen other passengers under canvas in the back of the Defender. We will drive from Korr to Loiyangalani through a semi-desert land...