Welcome to Kenya B

There is a Kenya A and a Kenya B. If you were to divide the country in half, Kenya A is everything south of  Eldoret in the west and Isiolo in the east. Kenya B is to the north – stretching from the border of Somalia to the east and South Sudan and Ethiopia to the...

BOMA Praise from a Kenyan Blogger

David Muchui, a blogger from Meru, posted this October 16 article about The BOMA Project: Manyatta Banking, Enterprises, Taking Root Among Pastoralist Communities A group of women guide their donkeys through the vast Kaisut Desert of Marsabit County laden with shop...

BOMA Business Mentors

Semeji, BOMA’s security man, provides a traditional blessing to begin the BOMA presentation of the Rural Entrepreneur Access Project (REAP) to the DFW group. After each intonation, the group is asked to hold their palms up and as they say “aawoom,” close their palms,...

They Do Not Have to Rely So Much on the Men

Kura and Omar picked me up at dawn and we left the chilly, belching city for the farms and ranches of the Mt. Kenya region. In Nanyuki we stopped to have Gumps lubed and I picked up 3,000 shillings in air time for my modem and gifts for the women. By the time we...

The Fairview

It was wonderful to finally arrive in Nairobi last night and be met by Ahmed Omar Ahmed, or “Kura” (Swahili for vote), BOMA’s Operations Director, as well as Captain James Neepe. Captain is a retired military helicopter pilot, now a commercial pilot ferrying...

Today the Journey Begins

5 a.m., February 20  In about 24 hours I will arrive in Nairobi. This morning I will put together the last of my things. I have two large roll-on duffel bags, one medium-sized duffel bag, a wheeled carry-on bag and my backpack. All of my clothes are wrapped around the...