Giving Tuesday 2019

Today, Giving Tuesday, your gift to BOMA will have twice the impact. Starting at 8 a.m. on Giving Tuesday your support can go even further to help women like Ntiru Lekatap (left) forge a pathway out of extreme poverty, so she no longer has to borrow food from...

Are we making progress on global poverty?

At the BOMA Project, our mission is to help vulnerable people in some of the world’s poorest and most remote regions–the drylands of Africa–become self-sufficient and forge their own paths out of extreme poverty. Our proven poverty graduation model...

BOMA in Business Daily Africa

A great article ran today in Business Daily Africa about BOMA’s work in Kenya: Boma seeks to improve families’ incomes and access to basic food and household items by helping women in northern Kenya open small convenience stores. Participants receive training...

BOMA in the Congressional Record

U.S. Senator Patrick Leahy (D-Vermont) entered a statement into the Congressional Record on March 21 that included a great mention of BOMA as a Vermont nonprofit with a “far-reaching contribution” that’s “doing innovative work to improve the...