Christine Lokidogoi: Single Mother and Landlady Extraordinaire

Christine Lokidogoi is a restless and energetic person. She talks quickly in a tumble of sentences, many of which are the beginnings of remarkable ideas. Christine’s energetic outlook is especially remarkable given that she is a single mother of  five children. Prior...

What Your Gift Means for Families

  “Sometimes we would go a week without eating. BOMA came to me when I was down and pushed me up.”    Napikutuk Nareyo Lenadosiol, Ngrunit No mother should have to choose which of her children gets to eat today, or go without food herself just to keep her kids alive....

This Christmas, let us remember one another

  As billions of people around the world pause this week to reflect on the story of a mother and her child, we would like to share the story of another mother. Selina Lekimain lives in the remote arid lands of northern Kenya. She and her husband had three children....

Giving Tuesday 2019

Today, Giving Tuesday, your gift to BOMA will have twice the impact. Starting at 8 a.m. on Giving Tuesday your support can go even further to help women like Ntiru Lekatap (left) forge a pathway out of extreme poverty, so she no longer has to borrow food from...