The USAID Nawiri program named from the Swahili word for “thrive” is a five-year flagship initiative funded by USAID Bureau of Humanitarian Assistance (BHA) with the overarching goal of sustainably reducing levels of persistent acute malnutrition in Kenya’s arid and semi-arid lands (ASALs). Despite significant investment to address acute malnutrition in Kenya’s ASALs over many years, acute malnutrition rates frequently remain at, or above emergency levels and often fail to improve, even when households’ access to food and quality healthcare increases. USAID Nawiri’s approach to REAP Adaptations for Nutrition aims to incorporate positive nutrition outcomes into the graduation approach and catalyze community-level effects for the nutrition resilience of ultra-poor households in the wider community. While there is a correlation between poverty and malnutrition, poverty graduation alone does not guarantee sustained positive nutrition outcomes.