Over the past two weeks, BOMA Field Staff have been busy distributing grants and giving trainings in 15 of our locations. 215 BOMA Business Groups received additional grants for their businesses. During the trainings, Business Groups also formed larger Savings Groups, which are important for shock-preparedness in case of drought or other emergencies. Check out some pictures from the grant distribution and training in Galas: 

In Galas, participants arrived early on Thursday morning to attend the Progress Grant training session and disbursement.

In Galas, participants arrived early on Thursday morning to attend the Progress Grant training session and disbursement.

During the training, groups of business groups were split up into larger savings groups.

During the training, groups of business groups were split up into larger savings groups.

Galas mentor, Matthew Onyango, ran a role-play skit to illustrate how a typical Savings Group meeting should run.

Galas mentor, Matthew Onyango, ran a role-play skit to illustrate how a typical Savings Group meeting should run.

Each participant is given a share to contribute at the meeting.

Each participant is given a share to contribute at the meeting.

Participants place their shares in the savings boxes.

Participants place their shares in the savings boxes.

Women were asked to raise their hands to vote on amounts for fines for late loan re-payments.

Women were asked to raise their hands to vote on amounts for fines for late loan re-payments.

Dennis and Field Officer, Sabdio, help take down participants' information for their Savings Group. Each business group is given an additional grant during this training to help them increase their business stock.

Dennis and Field Officer, Sabdio, help take down participants’ information for their Savings Group. Each business group is given an additional grant during this training to help them increase their business stock.

Each savings group receives a savings box to keep members' contributions.

Each savings group receives a savings box to keep members’ contributions.