Mombasa’s Dad

John Ahalei Lomurut, known as Mombasa here in Kenya, is one of The BOMA Project’s five Agents of Change students attending EARTH University in Costa Rica.  In December, John will be the first Kenyan to graduate from EARTH and he represents one of our best investments...

Flying across the Kaisut

It was hard to leave Korr.  Despite the suffocating heat, the wind blew, the food and accommodations were great and the friends were many.  Maina and Omar made numerous trips to town, trying to find anyone with some diesel that we could buy – the arduous driving...

Finding Solutions; Respecting Heritage and Dignity

On the edge of the town of Korr, Amina and Shalom rent out the most amazing huts – tall domed one-room structures made with sticks and branches.  On the outside the roof is covered with burlap and on the inside the hut is lined with beautiful fabrics, sheets and...


Omar insisted on staying up until Kura arrived.  It was after midnight when Kura finally knocked on my hut door to let me know that they had arrived safely.  Despite the roads and mechanical problems, he was very excited to tell me that they had seen four cheetahs. ...