Mombasa’s Dad

John Ahalei Lomurut, known as Mombasa here in Kenya, is one of The BOMA Project’s five Agents of Change students attending EARTH University in Costa Rica.  In December, John will be the first Kenyan to graduate from EARTH and he represents one of our best investments...

Flying across the Kaisut

It was hard to leave Korr.  Despite the suffocating heat, the wind blew, the food and accommodations were great and the friends were many.  Maina and Omar made numerous trips to town, trying to find anyone with some diesel that we could buy – the arduous driving...

Development is Within Us

Semeji set aside his machine gun to babysit Jessica.  This gave Brown, her mother, the opportunity to fully participate in the morning’s Mentor training session. Semeji is clearly Jessica’s favorite among everyone in our group.  Her dainty feet rarely touch the ground...

Swimming with Crocodiles

It is hard not to think about crocodiles when you are swimming in Lake Turkana, supposedly the body of water with the highest concentration of crocodiles in the world.  Everyone assures us that the mamba’s (crocodile in Swahili) avoid areas where there are people,...