Today the Adventure Begins

Today the adventure begins.  Maina and Semeji arrive promptly at 6:30 and they load the vehicles with the jerrycans, water and a few food supplies.  We head north out of Nanyuki and are once again treated to the rare sight of the summit of Mt. Kenya.  Another good...


Once again, I arrive at Robin’s house in the dark.  The “treehouse” is also the home of Arid Lands Resources, a profitable venture in the gums and resins business.  The ground floor houses the small warehouse and sorting area of the resins, or sap, from the acacia...


Nairobi continues to be unrecognizable from the Nairobi of my time as a student in the late 70’s and especially from the tumultuous 90’s.  I love walking the streets of the city but in the 90’s when I would be here to lead safaris it became impossible.  The street...