Sarah Lelesiit and her family lived in a leaky-roofed hut, and hunger stalked them constantly. Those days are gone. In 2017, Sarah enrolled in the BOMA Project’s poverty graduation program and graduated in June 2019 as a proud owner of a bustling livestock business, with steady income and savings.
“Even though I am a widow, I am doing much better than some women with husbands. My children are in school and we have plenty to eat.”
We have set an audacious goal of reaching 1 million women and children by 2022. To reach this goal, we urgently need your support. This season of giving, please join us in our march to ending extreme poverty in Africa by supporting our Annual Appeal.
Thank you for joining us on this journey. Together, we can change the world.
With profound gratitude,
John Stephens, Executive DIrector