Giving Tuesday 2019

Today, Giving Tuesday, your gift to BOMA will have twice the impact. Starting at 8 a.m. on Giving Tuesday your support can go even further to help women like Ntiru Lekatap (left) forge a pathway out of extreme poverty, so she no longer has to borrow food from...

This is how we change the world: BOMA’s 2019 Annual Appeal

Sarah Lelesiit and her family lived in a leaky-roofed hut, and  hunger stalked them constantly. Those days are gone. In 2017, Sarah enrolled in the BOMA Project’s poverty graduation program and  graduated in June 2019 as a proud owner of a bustling livestock business,...

Can You Use Digital Finance If You Can’t Read?

BOMA participants like Rose Lelesiit embrace the opportunity to become business owners and pull themselves and their families out of extreme poverty. However, an often overlooked challenge is the fact that many people, especially women, living in last mile regions...