This is how we change the world: BOMA’s 2019 Annual Appeal

Sarah Lelesiit and her family lived in a leaky-roofed hut, and  hunger stalked them constantly. Those days are gone. In 2017, Sarah enrolled in the BOMA Project’s poverty graduation program and  graduated in June 2019 as a proud owner of a bustling livestock business,...

The Human Element of Our Work

It even rained in Loiyangalani.  As we came into the desert oasis town the steam was rising from the evaporating puddles in the road.  Kura pointed out the Turkana settlements on the outskirts of the village.  We splashed through the overflow water from the borehole...

Where There Are Large Herds, There is Danger

In the morning I woke early, anxious to be back on the road and on our way to Loiyangalani. Poor Kura, Omar and Semeji had been up late, talking with Joseph. I hated to wake them up but Kura was great, as usual. “It’s okay, Mama Rungu, I agree, we should leave now.”...